Astrological Schools

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Within astrological circles there are many different methods of interpretation and areas of specialisation. Some of these have become so systematic and institutionalised that they have developed into separate schools of thought. The schools are as varied as astrology itself. Some emphasise the connection between astrology and psychology, others concentrate on methods of prediction or what factors trigger events. This fact is also reflected in a wide variety of methods used. Certain schools of thought place an emphasis on factors that receive scant attention from the majority of astrologers such as Midpoints, Minor Aspects, Sensitive Points, Trans-Neptunians and Isis (Transpluto).

The most important astrological schools in Germany are:

Alongside the above schools there are occupational organisations such as the German Astrologers Association (Deutscher Astrologen Verband/ DAV) or the Swiss Astrological Association (SAB), which intend to offer serious education in a variety of different astrological techniques.

There are also many equivalent English language organisations, including the AFA (American Federation of Astrology), AFAN (Association for Astrological Networking), ISAR (International Society for Astrological Research), NCGR (National Council for Geocosmic Research) and the Uranian Astrology (Hamburg School).

Notes and References

  1. Founded by Michael Roscher (1960-2005)