Astrology of Children

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A childbirth and astrologers studying the stars[1]

Astrology for children is being taken more seriously than ever. Apparently an increasing number of parents feel that a horoscope can help them to better understand their child's inherent potential. At the same time critics, including many pedagogues, argue that this practice may end up arresting rather than supporting a child's development.

The astrology of children is very similar to astrology in general although it places emphasis on particular horoscope factors. The Moon is considered to be a more important factor than the Sun, although it must be emphasised that any kind of meaningful interpretation is only possible if the natal chart as a whole is taken into consideration. The characteristics of the Moon position are thought to have a powerful influence on children's behaviour: they react emotionally, spontaneously and apparently illogically. The energies associated with the Sun, which help the individual to take an active and creative role in shaping his/her own life, are thought to gradually come to the fore from about the the age of seven and then especially during puberty.

The continuous waxing and waning of the Moon is also thought to be reflected in the openness to change and unpredictability often associated with children. It would certainly seem to be the case that as humans age they find it increasingly more difficult to remain flexible, spontaneous and able to adapt to change. This is true both mentally and physically. A child is in a continuous state of change which is reflected in the process of physical growth. A great variety of behaviour is of course possible, depending on the Moon's sign and aspects. There are also analogies in the symbolism of receiving and giving, two basic lunar qualities. With their limited life experience, children are more dependent on receiving impressions and impulses in order to grow and find their way in life. The ability to receive requires an openness which is reflected by the Moon in it's crescent phase that is also the symbol for the Moon in astrology.

The Descending Moon's Node is also a significant and revealing factor in a child's horoscope, as is the Imum Coeli and the Fourth House.

Astrologers believe that the newly born child already possesses innate characteristics and to a certain extent a life plan that strives towards active realisation. In an astrological consultation it is important to tread very carefully because children (particularly younger children) are often not present - and if they are present may find it difficult to argue against what they may feel to be inappropriate interpretations. An astrologer needs to proceed with great sensitivity in order to avoid using descriptions that are narrow and predetermined.

Astrology for children can potentially provide valuable help when it comes to raising a child. If a child is often unusually aggressive or hyperactive, or strangely silent and uncommunicative, the horoscope can be a help in finding the possible underlying cause. However, it is important not to remain at the level of recognising a problem and coming out with a statement such as "Aha, Mars in Aries means he just can't help himself". Modern astrology doesn't simply describe a static state but aims to help children (and adults!) to find creative ways of using their existent energies. The horoscope can reveal chances, potential and possible pitfalls for every child, and not only those who exhibit so-called behavioural difficulties. An early awareness of unique personality traits can promote tolerance and can help parents and those who work with children to avoid some of the more common conflicts and problems that often arise.

In the beginning of life the moon is most important



  • Gloria Star: Astrology & Your Child: A Handbook for Parents 312 pages. Llewellyn Publications, 2000 ISBN 978-1567186499

Notes and References

  1. Medieval illustration