Autumnal Point

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Solstices and Equinoxes[1]

Synonyms: Autumnal Equinox, September equinox or fall equinox


The point at which the Sun crosses the celestial equator from North to South along its apparent path along the ecliptic, which occurs around the 23rd September in the Northern Hemisphere when the number of daylight hours is the same at all places on the planet.

It is exactly opposite the point of the spring equinox.

In the Southern Hemisphere, it takes place around March 20.

The earth's precession causes both the spring equinox and the autumnal point to move slowly backwards through the zodiac. At the time of its discovery, the autumnal point was in the constellation of Libra which is why it is also sometimes referred to as the first point of Libra.[2].

This is irrelevant in Western astrology which is based on the tropical zodiac in which the autumnal point always corresponds to 0 degree Libra.

On the equinox day, the length of day and night is roughly equal throughout the planet. In the days after in the Northern Hemisphere the days grow shorter and the nights grow longer, whereas the opposite happens in the Southern Hemisphere. The autumnal equinox signifies the change from summer to fall in the Northern Hemisphere and the change from spring to summer in the Southern Hemisphere.

Virgo as depicted in Urania’s Mirror[3]


The autumnal equinox is a period of equilibrium, peace and harmony. It is a time for celebration and is commemorated with festivals and ceremonies in many cultures.

See also

Notes and References

  1. Illustration and part of the text is from (2023)
  2. Due to precession today it is actually located in the constellation of Virgo
  3. A set of constellation cards published in London, 1825