C. C. Zain

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C. C. Zain (Elbert Benjamine)

Der US-amerikanische Astrologe und Okkultist C.C. Zain (Geburtsname Benjamin P. Williams, später nannte er sich Elbert Benjamine, dann C.C. Zain.) wurde am 12.12.1882 um 5:55 Uhr in Adel (bei Des Moines, Iowa) geboren.
Er starb am 18.11.1951[1].
Er wurde vor allem als Gründer der okkultistischen "Church of Light" bekannt.


Elbert Benjamine und Doris Chase Doane (1947)
Geburtshoroskop von C. C. Zain

Benjamins Vater war Arzt, und schon früh nahm dieser ihn auf seine Visiten mit, und unterwegs erklärte er ihm die Natur. Später studierte Benjamin Williams an der Iowa State University Naturwissenschaften, da er Naturforscher werden wollte.

Bereits früh kam er mit der Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor in Kontakt, die sich ihm als äußerer Zirkel der Bruderschaft des Lichts präsentierte, letzere sollte so ein spiritueller Orden vergleichbar der "Großen Weißen Bruderschaft" sein. Im Jahr 1900 erstellte er sein erstes Horoskop, und im Jahr 1907 wurde er zu einem der drei Leiter der Hermetic Brotherhood berufen. Er wurde gebeten, einen Lehrgang über das okkulte Wissen zu verfassen, womit er im Jahr 1914 unter seinem Pseudonym C.C. Zain begann, der Kurs erschien in 21 Bänden, jeder zu einem anderen okkulten Thema.

Noch während Zain sein Werk verfasste, wurde die Hermetische Bruderschaft aufgelöst, so dass er im Jahr 1932 die "Church of Light" als Nachfolgeorganisation ins Leben rief; er bezeichnete sie ebenfalls als äußeren Zirkel der Bruderschaft des Lichts. Als Zain am 18.11.1951 starb, wurden Edward und Doris Chase Doane seine Nachfolger als Leiter der Kirche[2].


Die Astrologie war ein ganz wesentliches Standbein, auf dem Elbert Benjamines okkultes Lehrwerk fußte. Quelle seines astrologischen Wissens dürfte die Überlieferung in okkulten Bruderschaften sein, und damit auf der Astrologie der Freimaurer beruhen. Durch die große Reichweite seiner Kirche gerade auch unter Astrologen und dadurch, dass auch bekannte Astrologen, wie etwa die Familie Dobyns/ Pottenger[3] dort Mitglied waren bzw. sind, erhält sein Wirken eine besondere Bedeutung. Er gilt als einer der bedeutendsten Astrologen des 20. Jahrhunderts in Amerika. Sein Einfluss auf die erneute Etablierung einer fachlich fundierten Astrologie in den Vereinigten Staaten ist vergleichbar dem von Karl Brandler-Pracht im deutschen Sprachraum.

Seit 1914 arbeitete Zain mehr oder weniger durchgehend an seinem Lehrwerk, die letzten Bände datieren aus dem Jahr 1949, zwei Jahre vor seinem Tod. Weitere Bücher von ihm, die in der Zeit von 1940 bis 1945 entstanden und weitgehend astrologischen Inhalts sind, beruhen auf Informationen, die auch in seinen "Lessons" enthalten sind.


Da C.C. Zains Bücher bis heute aufgelegt werden, ist nur - wenn bekannt - die Erstausgabe angegeben.

Sammelbände von C. C. Zains "Lessons"

  • Astrological Signatures - The Evolution and the Soul and the Nature of Astrological Energies. 248 Seiten. Church of Light, ab 1925 ISBN 978-0878873722
  • Ancient Masonry – The Spiritual Meaning of Masonic Degrees, Rituals and Symbols. 328 Seiten. ISBN 978-0878873746
  • Laws of Occultism - Inner Plane Theory and the Fundamentals of Psychic Phenomena. 184 Seiten. ISBN 978-0878873715
  • The Sacred Tarot. 448 Seiten. ISBN 978-0878872558
  • Spiritual Alchemy - The Hermetic Art of Spiritual Transformation. 119 Seiten. ISBN 978-0878873739
  • Esoteric Psychology – Success Through Directed Thinking. 448 Seiten. ISBN 978-0878872541
  • Spiritual Astrology – The Origins of Astro-Mythology and Stellar Religion. 320 Seiten. ISBN 978-0878873777
  • Horary Astrology – Interpreting the Horoscope. 195 Seiten. ISBN 978-0878873432
  • Mental Alchemy – How Thoughts and Feelings Shape Our Lives. 150 Seiten. ISBN 978-0878873494
  • Natal Astrology: Delineating the Horoscope. 153 Seiten. ISBN 978-0878873418
  • Natal Astrology: Progressing the Horoscope. 281 Seiten. ISBN 978-0878873425
  • Divination & Character Reading – Tools & Techniques for Enhancing ESP. 156 Seiten. ISBN 978-0878873579
  • Natural Alchemy: Evolution of Life. 171 Seiten. ISBN 978-0878873586
  • Natural Alchemy: Evolution of Religion. 169 Seiten. ISBN 978-0878873463
  • Mundane Astrology – Interpreting Astrological Phenomena for Cities, Nations and Groups. 205 Seiten. ISBN 978-0878873500
  • Occultism Applied – How to Increase Your Happiness, Usefulness and Spirituality. 203 Seiten. ISBN 978-0878873548
  • Cosmic Alchemy – A Spiritual Guide to Universal Progression. 191 Seiten. ISBN 978-0878873517
  • The Next Life – A Guide to Living Conditions on the Inner Plane. 249 Seiten. ISBN 978-0878873920
  • Imponderable Forces – The Wholesome Pathway. 224 Seiten. ISBN 978-0878873524
  • Weather Predicting – The Hermetic System of Astrological Weather Analysis. 145 Seiten. ISBN 978-0878873616
  • Stellar Healing – Astrological Predisposition, Diagnosis and Treatment of Disease. 225 Seiten. ISBN 978-0878873555
  • Organic Alchemy – The Universal Law of Soul Progression. 136 Seiten. ISBN 978-0878873531
  • Personal Alchemy – The Neophytes Path to Spiritual Attainment. 192 Seiten. ISBN 978-0878873623

Weitere Bücher

  • How to Use Modern Ephemerides. The Aries Press, 1940
  • Stellar Dietetics: The Astrological Road Map to Diet and Health. Aries Press, 1942
  • When and What Events Will Happen. 144 Seiten. Aries Press, 1942
  • Progressed Aspects of Standard Astrology: The Easy Way to Calculate and Judge. The Aries Press, 1942
  • How to Select a Vocation; with statistical analysis of three thousand birth-charts and thirty vocations. 143 Seiten. Aries Press, 1942
  • Beginner's Horoscope Maker. 79 Seiten. The Aries Press, Chicago 1943
  • Astrological Lore of All Ages. 141 Seiten. The Aries Press, Chicago 1945
  • Body Disease and Its Stellar Treatment. Aries Press, USA, 1945
  • The influence of the planet Pluto: Including ephemeris of Pluto, 1840 to 1960. Aries Press, 1968

Die "Lessons" im einzelnen

  • Astrological Signatures: The Ritual of Egyptian Initiation. No 1 online
  • Astrological Signatures: The Two Keys. No. 2 online
  • Astrological Signatures: Physiology and Correspondence. No. 3 online
  • Astrological Signatures: The Mission of the Soul. No. 4 online
  • Astrological Signatures: Doctrine of Signatures. No. 5 online
  • Ancient Masonry: Ancient Masonry Introduction. No. 6 online
  • Ancient Masonry: Entered Apprentice and the Planets. No. 7 online
  • Ancient Masonry: Entered Apprentice and the Signs. No. 8 online
  • Ancient Masonry: Numbers and Opening the Lodge. No. 9 online
  • Ancient Masonry: Initiating a Member. No. 10 online
  • Ancient Masonry: Fellowcraft. No. 11 online
  • Ancient Masonry: Lodge Emblems. No. 12 online
  • Ancient Masonry: Master Mason. No. 13 online
  • Ancient Masonry: Mark Master Mason. No. 14 online
  • Ancient Masonry: Royal Arch. No. 15 online
  • Ancient Masonry: Degrees of the Cross. No. 16 online
  • Ancient Masonry: Ineffable Degrees. No. 17 online
  • Ancient Masonry: Historical Degrees. No. 18 online
  • Natal Astrology: Progressing the Horoscope. No. 19
  • Astrological Signatures: Facts and Fancies About Reincarnation Part 1. No. 20 online
  • Astrological Signatures: Facts and Fancies About Reincarnation Part 2. No. 21 online
  • The Sacred Tarot: Foundation of the Science. No. 22 online
  • The Sacred Tarot: Scope and Use of Tarot. No. 23 1935 online
  • The Sacred Tarot: Involution and Evolution of Numbers. No. 24 online
  • The Sacred Tarot: Reading the Meaning of Numbers. No. 25 online
  • The Sacred Tarot: Making an Astrological Chart of a Name. No. 26 online
  • The Sacred Tarot: Influence of Changing the Name. No. 27 online
  • The Sacred Tarot: Reading Names in Detail. No. 28 online
  • The Sacred Tarot: The Color of a Name. No. 29 online
  • The Sacred Tarot: Natural Talismans and Artificial Charms. No. 30 online
  • The Sacred Tarot: Chronology of the Tarot. No. 31 online
  • The Sacred Tarot: The Solution of Ancient Cycles. No. 32 online
  • The Sacred Tarot: How to Read the Tarot. No. 33 online
  • The Laws of Occultism: Occult Data: The Laws of Mediumship. No. 39 1921 online
  • The Laws of Occultism: Astral Substance. No. 40 online
  • The Laws of Occultism: Astral Vibrations. No. 41 1951 online
  • The Laws of Occultism: The Doctrine of Nativities. No. 42 1924 online
  • The Laws of Occultism: Doctrine of Mediumship. No. 43 online
  • The Laws of Occultism: Spiritism. No. 44 1925 online
  • The Laws of Occultism: Phenomenal Spiritism. No. 45 online
  • Astrological Signatures: The Zodiac. No. 46 (1926) online
  • Astrological Signatures: Mundane Houses. No. 47 (1924) online
  • The Sacred Tarot: Doctrine of Kabalism. No. 48 online
  • Spiritual Alchemy: The Doctrine of Spiritual Alchemy. No. 49 online
  • Spiritual Alchemy: Seven Spiritual Metals. No. 50 online
  • Spiritual Alchemy: Purifying the Metals. No. 51 online
  • Spiritual Alchemy: Transmutation. No. 52 online
  • Spiritual Alchemy: Higher Consciousness. Nr. 53 online
  • The Sacred Tarot: Reading the Meaning of Numbers. No. 54
  • Esoteric Psychology: Doctrine of Esoteric Psychology. No. 56 online
  • Esoteric Psychology: Reason and Intuition. No. 57 online
  • Esoteric Psychology: Language and the Value of Dreams. No. 58 online
  • Esoteric Psychology: Desire and How to Use It. No. 59 online
  • Esoteric Psychology: Why Repression Is Not Morality. No. 60 online
  • Esoteric Psychology: How to Rule the Stars. No. 61 online
  • Esoteric Psychology: How To Apply Suggestion. No. 62 Online
  • Esoteric Psychology: Correct Use of Affirmations. No. 63 online
  • Esoteric Psychology: How to Think Constructively. No. 64 1936 online
  • Esoteric Psychology: How to Cultivate Subliminal Thinking. No. 65 online
  • Esoteric Psychology: How to Develop Creative Imagination. No. 66 1937 online
  • Esoteric Psychology: How to Demonstrate Success. No. 67 online
  • Spiritual Astrology: Our Spiritual Legacy. No. 71
  • Spiritual Astrology: The Fountain of Youth. No. 72
  • Spiritual Astrology: Knights of King Arthur. No.73
  • Spiritual Astrology: Story of the Three Bears. No. 74
  • Spiritual Astrology: The Ladder to Heaven. No. 75
  • Spiritual Astrology: Is There a Santa Claus. No. 76
  • Spiritual Astrology: Why Eve Was Tempted. No. 77
  • Spiritual Astrology: The Marriage in Heaven. No. 78
  • Spiritual Astrology: The Scorpion and the Eagle. No. 79
  • Spiritual Astrology: The Bow of Bright Promise No. 80
  • Spiritual Astrology: News From the Summerland. No. 81
  • Spiritual Astrology: In the Reign of Aquarius. No. 82
  • Spiritual Astrology: The Tree of Life. No. 83
  • Horary Astrology: How to Erect a Horoscope No. 86 1930
  • Horary Astrology: Strength and Aspects. No. 87 1930
  • Horary Astrology: Seven Steps to Judging - No. 88 1930
  • Horary Astrology: Doctrine of Horary Astrology No. 89. 1931
  • Horary Astrology: First Six Houses. No. 90 1931
  • Horary Astrology: Last Six Houses - No. 91 1931
  • Honary Astrology: How to Section a Time - No. 92 1930
  • Mental Alchemy: The Inner Nature of Poverty, Failure and Disease. No. 95
  • Mental Alchemy: Just How to Find the Thought Cause of Any Condition. No. 96
  • Mental Alchemy: How to Find a Mental Antidote. No. 97
  • Mental Alchemy: How to Apply a Mental Antidote. No. 98
  • Mental Alchemy: Just How to Heal Yourself. No. 99 1937
  • Mental Alchemy: Just How to Attain Realization. No. 100
  • Mental Alchemy: Just How to Give Absent Treatments. No. 101
  • Natal Astrology: First Eighteen Decanates Analyzed. No. 103
  • Natal Astrology: Last Eighteen Decanates Analyzed. No. 104
  • Natal Astrology: Stature, Temperament, Disposition and Mental Ability. No. 105, 1934
  • Natal Astrology: Vitality, Health and Disease. No. 106 1934
  • Natal Astrology: Business, Finances and Vocational Selection. No. 107
  • Natal Astrology: Friends, Enemies and Associates. No. 108
  • Natal Astrology: Love, Marriage and Partnership. No. 109
  • Natal Astrology: How to Delineate a Horoscope. No. 110
  • Natal Astrology: Major Progressions of Sun and Angles. No. 111 1934
  • Natal Astrology: Major Progressions of the Moon. No. 112
  • Natal Astrology: Major Progressions of the Planets. No. 113
  • Natal Astrology: Minor Progressions of Sun and Angles. No. 114
  • Natal Astrology: Minor Progressions of the Moon and Planets. No. 115
  • Natal Astrology: Transits Revolutions and Cycles Course X-O Serial No. 116
  • Natal Astrology: Rectifying the Horoscope. No. 117
  • Divination: Doctrine of Divination. No. 118
  • Divination: Tea-cup and Coffee-cup Divination. No. 119
  • Divination: Divining Rod and Other Divination. No. 120
  • Divination: Instantaneous Character Reading. No. 121
  • Divination: Significance of Body and Head. No. 122
  • Divination: Instantaneous Reading from Profile. No 123
  • Divination: Instantaneous Vocational Analysis. No 124
  • Natural Alchemy: Origin of the Earth. No. 125 1949
  • Natural Alchemy: Origin and Development of Plants. No. 126 1949
  • Natural Alchemy: Progress of Invertebrate Life. No. 127 1949
  • Natural Alchemy: Fishes and Amphibians. No. 128 1949
  • Natural Alchemy: Reptiles and Birds. No. 129 1949
  • Natural Alchemy: Development Among Mammals. No. 130 1949
  • Natural Alchemy: Development of Man. No. 131 1949
  • Natural Alchemy: Development of Knowledge. No. 132 1949
  • Natural Alchemy: The Foundation of Religion. No. 133 1949
  • Natural Alchemy: Early Religions of the World. No. 134 1949
  • Natural Alchemy: Religion In Historic Times. No. 135 1949
  • Natural Alchemy: Tao, Confucianism, Zoroastrianism, and Mohammedanism. No. 136 1949
  • Natural Alchemy: Hinduism and Buddhism. No. 137 1949
  • Natural Alchemy: Judaism and Christianity. No. 138 1949
  • Natural Alchemy: The Stellarian Religion. No. 139 1949
  • Natural Alchemy: Astrology is Religion's Road Map. No. 140 1949
  • Mundane Astrology: Doctrine of Mundane Astrology. No. 141
  • Mundane Astrology: The Cycles of Pluto and Neptune. No. 142
  • Mundane Astrology: The Cycles of Uranus. No. 143
  • Mundane Astrology: The Cycles of Saturn. No. 144
  • Mundane Astrology: The Cycles of Jupiter. No. 145
  • Mundane Astrology: The Cycles of Mars. No. 146
  • Mundane Astrology: Major Conjunctions of Planets. No. 147
  • Mundane Astrology: The Cycles of the Sun. No. 148
  • Mundane Astrology: The Cycles of the Moon. No. 149
  • Mundane Astrology: Precise Predicting: Eclipses. No. 150
  • Occultism Applied to Daily Life: Finding One's Cosmic Work. No. 151
  • Occultism Applied to Daily Life: Diet and Breathing. No. 153
  • Occultism Applied to Daily Life: How to Be Attractive. No. 155
  • Occultism Applied to Daily Life: How to Have Friends. No. 156, 1944
  • Occultism Applied to Daily Life: How To Get Employment. No. 157
  • Occultism Applied to Daily Life: How To Make Money. No. 158
  • Occultism Applied to Daily Life: How To Achieve Honors. No. 159
  • Occultism Applied to Daily Life: How To Be Successful In Marriage. No. 160
  • Occultism Applied to Daily Life: How To Have A Pleasant Home. No. 161
  • Occultism Applied to Daily Life: How To Be Happy. No. 162
  • Cosmic Alchemy: (164) Conquest of War. No. 164
  • Cosmic Alchemy: Abolition of Poverty. No. 165
  • Cosmic Alchemy: Cosmic Politics. No. 166
  • Cosmic Alchemy: Heredity and Environment. No. 167
  • Cosmic Alchemy: How to Be Spiritual. No. 168
  • Cosmic Alchemy: Spiritual Value of Education. No. 169
  • Cosmic Alchemy: How to Appraise Spiritual Values. No. 170
  • Cosmic Alchemy: Minor Aids to Spiritual Advancements. No. 171
  • Cosmic Alchemy: Major Aids to Spiritual Advancements. No. 172
  • The Next Life: Turning the Dial to Inner Planes. No. 173
  • The Next Life: Properties of Life On The Inner Plane. No. 174
  • The Next Life: Birth Into the Next Life. No. 175
  • The Next Life: Astrological Influences in The Next Life. No. 176
  • The Next Life: Occupations of teh Next Life. No. 177
  • The Next Life: Education and Progress in The Next Life. No. 178
  • The Next Life: Earth Bound Souls and teh Astral Hells. No. 179
  • The Next Life: Domestic Relations of the Next Life. No. 180
  • The Next Life: Social Contacts and Amusements in The Next Life. No. 181
  • The Next Life: Through Astral and Spiritual to Celestial. No 182
  • Imponderable Forces: Adverse Progressed Aspects. No. 183 1945
  • Imponderable Forces: Symathies and Antipathies. No. 184 1945
  • Imponderable Forces: Ceremonial Magic. No. 185
  • Imponderable Forces: Sorcery and Witchcraft. No. 186
  • Imponderable Forces: Ritual and Religion. No. 187
  • Imponderable Forces: Press, Radio and Billboard. No. 188
  • Imponderable Forces: The Wholesome Pathway. No. 189
  • Wheater Predicting: Astrological Weather Predicting. No. 190
  • Wheater Predicting: Reading Astrological Weather Charts. No. 191
  • Wheater Predicting: Astrological Temperature Charts. No. 192
  • Wheater Predicting: Astrological Air Movement Charts. No. 193
  • Wheater Predicting: Astrological Moisture Charts. No. 194
  • Wheater Predicting: Unusual Weather. No. 195
  • Wheater Predicting: Tornadoes and Hurricanes. No. 196
  • Stellar Healing: Stellar Anatomy. No. 197
  • Stellar Healing: Basis of Stellar Diagnosis. No. 198
  • Stellar Healing: Principles of Stellar Healing. No. 199
  • Stellar Healing: Technique of Stellar Healing. No. 200
  • Stellar Healing: Stellar Healing in Practice. No. 201
  • Stellar Healing: Diagnosis and Treatment. No. 202
  • Stellar Healing: Abdominal Troubles Bleeding. No. 203
  • Stellar Healing: Blindness - Coronary Thrombosis. No. 204
  • Stellar Healing: Cyst-Hay Fever. No. 205 1948
  • Stellar Healing: Headache - Mumps. No. 206
  • Stellar Healing: The Ceaseless Surge of Life. No. 207
  • Stellar Healing: Sciatica - Yellow Fever. No. 208
  • Organic Alchemy: The Ceaseless Surge of Life. No. 209
  • Organic Alchemy: Every Life-Form Manifests a Soul. No. 210
  • Organic Alchemy: The Universal Law of Soul Progression. No. 211
  • Organic Alchemy: The Uses of Pleasure and Pain. No. 212
  • Organic Alchemy: Universal Law of Compensation. No. 213 1945
  • Organic Alchemy: The Universal Law of Compensation. No. 214
  • Organic Alchemy: The Universal Moral Code. No. 215
  • Personal Alchemy: Three Things Every Neophyte Should Know. No. 216 1949
  • Personal Alchemy: The First Three Habits A Neophyte Should Adopt. No. 217 1949
  • Personal Alchemy: Avenues to Illumination. No. 218 1949
  • Personal Alchemy: Spiritual Hindrance by Family and Friends. No. 219 1949
  • Personal Alchemy: Spiritual Trends in Personal Conduct. No 220 1949
  • Personal Alchemy: How to Keep Mentally and Physically Fit. No. 221 1948
  • Personal Alchemy: What to Eat When Mercury or Uranus is Afflicted. No. 222 1949
  • Personal Alchemy: What to Eat When Sun, Moon or Pluto is Afflicted. No. 223 1949
  • Personal Alchemy: What to Eat When Saturn, Jupiter or Neptune is Afflicted. No 224 1949
  • Personal Alchemy: What to Eat When Venus or Mars is Afflicted. No. 225 1949



  1. AstroDatabank/Benjamine, Elbert: Church of Light nennt das Datum. Gleiche Angabe in Sabian Symbols No.84. Rodden Rating A
  2. http://www.answers.com/topic/c-c-zain-2
  3. Maritha Pottenger, Mark Pottenger, Rique Pottenger