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The Domino effect. A classical illustration of causality

Synonym: Cause/ effect

One of two possible explanatory models for astrology. It is based on the idea that planets have a direct influence on events on Earth. They are the catalysts for events on Earth. The Moon, which has been scientifically proven to influence the tides, the female menstruation cycle and plant growth - is often cited to support this theory. In addition to the Moon's influence, there are also various types of cosmic radiation such as Gamma Rays, radio waves and the solar wind which, although filtered by the Earth's atmosphere, can still be measured at the Earth's surface. The eleven year Sun spot cycle has also been shown to have a concrete influence on the Earth's climate and therefore all terrestrial life. Another important pillar used to support the causal model is Newton's law of gravity, because it proves the existence and effects of omnipresent indivisible energies that hold the universe together.

Although it has not yet been possible to directly measure the effects the other planets in the solar system have on Earth, supporters of the causal model believe that it is only a matter of time before the necessary technical instruments are developed that will make this possible. They believe that each planet has its own specific influence and that it also concretely expresses the qualities of the sign of the zodiac in which it is placed.

When questioning the validity of astrology, the opponents of astrology usually concentrate on the causal explanation. They very rarely attempt to tackle the alternative analogous model.

See also
