Chart Ruler

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Venus rules the signs Libra and Taurus[1]

The planet that rules the sign on the Ascendant in the natal chart.

When interpreting the chart, the house position and sign of the ruling planet are considered to be significant factors. These indicate where (house) and how (sign of the zodiac) an individual's basic disposition (Ascendant) will be expressed. This additional information helps to give a more nuanced description of the Ascendant.


The term chronocrator is a transliteration of a Greek term that was used in Hellenistic astrology in order to refer to a planet has been activated in a chart for a certain span of time according to a particular timing technique.

The Greek term chronocrator literally means “time-lord”, because the planet is activated as a lord or ruler in the chart for a specific period of time.

There were several different techniques that were used in the Hellenistic tradition for determining when a planet would be activated as a chronocrator.

The most widespread time-lord technique in the Hellenistic tradition was annual Profections. In the most common variation of the technique, a single planet is activated as a time-lord for each year of the native’s life.


Notes and References

  1. Artist: Hans Sebald Beham, 1539
  2. Author of this chapter: Chris Brennan