Cosmobiosophical Society

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The Cosmobiosophical Society was founded on the 19th June 1946 at 19.33 in Hamburg. Helmuth and Edith Wangemann were influential early members. The term is a composite of the words Cosmos (universal order), Bios (life) and Sophia (wisdom). It is meant to portray the fact that the human entity composed of Spirit, Soul and Body is intimately related to the cosmos (analogy, microcosm/macrocosm). The society considers astrology to be "a teaching which allows us to recognise ancient divine law, according to which humans are both part of and subject to the laws of the surrounding cosmos".

The above definition would seem to imply parallels to esoteric astrology, but the Cosmobiosophical Society is also keen to incorporate the results of scientific research into astrology. It pays close attention to the developments within astronomy and those branches of society related to it. Cosmobiosophy is considered as further development of classical astrology towards a philosophical- holistic view of the world and humanity.

The Cosmobiosophical Society generally works with the Koch house system (=GOH). One of its specialist areas of research is the horoscopes of twins and the connection between the horoscope and physiognomy. It also works with the hypothetical transplutonian planet Isis. Another main focus is medical astrology, where Renata Gerling has carried out important research and incorporated other natural rhythms into her work to complement the astrological side.

With courses, seminars and lectures the society hopes to make contributions that will help raise the standing of serious astrology in society while distancing itself from the more common form of populist astrology represented by columns in newspapers and magazines. It has also revisited topics such as individual astrology and mundane astrology. The school continues to be run by Manfred and Renata Gerling.