Esoteric Astrology

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Twelve flames from above[1]

The Greek word esoterikas means 'inner' or 'secret', two words that give a good description of this very old branch of astrology. Compared to psychological astrology, esoteric astrology is cloaked in a veil of mystery, and was and remains practiced by a minority of astrologers. Esoteric astrology is more concerned with searching for existential meaning beyond the immediate material world and less with everyday events and the psychological development of individuals, and in this sense is more closely related to religion than other branches of astrology.

For esoteric astrology, the inner life is of central importance. It is consistent in advancing the concept of analogy, whereby the starry firmament is a reflection of life on this planet. Distant stars do not influence terrestrial events and are in fact considered to be irrelevant. Paracelsus, an important advocate of esoteric astrology, wrote: "The heavenly bodies within our solar system are quite sufficient".

The following esoteric planetary interpretations come from the German astrologer Bernd Mertz:

  • Moon: The Soul that demands sacrifices - the soul that sacrifices itself
  • Sun: The inner goal - the way to being
  • Mercury: Thought as a gift from heaven
  • Venus: Divine love becomes love on Earth
  • Mars: The independent learner
  • Jupiter: The inner treasure trove
  • Saturn: Befriend the guardian of the threshold
  • Uranus: Intuition as the wings of Icarus
  • Neptune: From animal instinct to empathic inspiration
  • Pluto: The unconscious drive for power
  • Moon's Nodes: Trees don't grow into Heaven

See also


Notes and References

  1. Depiction of Egyptian Astrology