Generational Planet

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Uranus[1] in true colors

Planets that affect an entire generation of people. The generational planets are the outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. They take so long to complete their orbits that everyone born within a multi-year period will have that planet in the same sign.

For example, Uranus has an orbit of 84 years. So it might conjoin the natal Uranus within a person's lifetime.

Neptune has an orbit of 165 years, which is approximately twice the time of Uranus; it spends about 14 years in the same sign. Because it has such a long orbit, an individual may see transiting Neptune form an opposition to their natal Neptune.

Pluto, actually being a planetoid smaller than our own Moon, is very much a twentieth-century planet and refers to the two world wars, and weapons of mass destruction, nuclear power, and a desire to totally control the world we live in. It is a planet that reveals to us the extremes we are capable of if we do not set necessary boundaries in our lives. This planet governs the compulsions in our life: those things we are compelled to do but know we should not, such as rape, drug addiction, and even overeating if it is of such an extent that it threatens our health.

Pluto, circling the Sun in 248 years, has a rather elliptical or eccentric orbit, which means that it stays in the sign it rules, Scorpio, for a mere nine years, and the sign of its fall, Taurus for thirty.

The newly discovered Sedna has an orbit of 11,250 years, so stays in a sign for approximately a millennium.

See also


Notes and References

  1. Uranus is definitely a generational planet, staying in each sign of the zodiac for approximately seven years