Return Chart

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The perpetual change[1]

A chart erected for the time a planet returns to its position in the natal chart, which is based on its orbital motion.

The most well known return horoscope is the solar return chart which occurs annually on an individual's birthday, which is the time that the sun returns to the position in the natal chart. It is closely related to the theme of self-development, a solar theme, for the year ahead.
The lunar chart, which occurs once a month and represents the time that the moon returns to its natal position, indicates likely emotional developments over the coming month - a lunar theme.

Also fairly common are the Mercury return chart, Venus return chart and Mars return chart. The first two are valid for one year, the latter for two.

The Jupiter return occurs every twelve years. A Saturn return happens roughly every 29.5 years. Uranus returns to its natal position every 84 years, and Neptune and Pluto will not return to their natal positions in the course of a human life span.


The natal chart should always be taken into account when interpreting return charts.
In each case the themes of the return chart relate to the themes represented by the planet: its house position and aspects (the sign is the same as in the natal chart) form the basis for chart interpretation. For example, a Venus return highlights relationships. The Saturn return coincides with the maturation of the individual. At about age 29, she leaves the world of young adulthood and enters middle age. In her late fifties, she contemplates retirement and old age.


Unlike the sun and the moon, the other planets have periods of retrograde motion which strictly speaking means there should sometimes be three return charts. However, the last of the three is the most significant because it is valid for the longest period and for this reason is the one used for interpretation purposes. The process becomes problematic when a planet returns to its natal chart during its stationary phase because it is then virtually impossible to calculate the exact position of the Ascendant and Medium Coeli and therefore also the house cusps.

Notes and References

  1. The planets' symbols are depicted inside the alchemical Ouroboros