Robert Hand

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Hand in 2014
Hand's natal chart (Placidus)

The American Robert Hand (born 5th December 1942 at 7.30 pm in Plainfield, NJ [1]) is one of the world's most renowned astrologers. He takes a special interest in astrology's philosophical and historical dimensions and was an early initiator of computer programming in astrology. His astrology business currently is based in Las Vegas, Nevada.


Robert Hand began his work in astrology at the age of 17. The Hand family was locally known for its work in astrology, science and history, and Rob learned the basics of casting charts for these applications from his father, Wilfred Hand, who successfully applied the astrological techniques of his day to forecasting the stock market.

Hand is an honor graduate from Brandeis University, with honors in history. He attended graduate school in the history of science at Princeton University and is now in the doctoral program of the Catholic University of America in medieval history. Rob began an astrology practice in 1972. With success, he began traveling the world as a full time professional astrologer.


Robert Hand was known in his early career as the first practicing astrologer to write astrology programs for microcomputers (in 1977) so that the benefits of computers would be available to astrologers. From this effort, he founded Astro-Graphics Services in 1979, which later became Astrolabe, Inc. He was a founding member of Project Hindsight, a group dedicated to retrieving and translating traditional astrology texts. He served as an editor, translator and publisher of ancient astrological writings.

As a professional astrologer Hand uses a range of practices: tropical, heliocentric, sidereal, uranian, cosmobiological and in mundo techniques, plus ancient and mediaeval methods now being uncovered and translated. In 1997 Rob established a formal archive, library and publishing company for continuing his lifelong work in the history and science of astrology, ARHAT (the Archive for the Retrieval of Historical Astrological Texts.) Hand's library now houses the original texts and translations of over two dozen ancient and medieval astrologers.

Robert Hand is a former chairman of the National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR). He is a member of AFAN, ISAR, and is a patron of the Faculty of Astrological Studies. In 2008, he received both the Marion D. March Regulus Award and the Marc Edmund Jones Award (for his life's work); he was also honoured by the AAGB's Charles Harvey Award. He serves as Chair of the Board of Trustees of Kepler College. He lectures in astrological conferences, seminars and workshops worldwide.

Robert Hand and Alois Treindl, 2008


  • 1975, Planets in Composite: Analyzing Human Relationships, Para Research Inc. and Schiffer Publishing. ISBN 978-0-914918-02-8
  • 1977, Planets in Youth: Patterns of Early Development, Whitford Press. ISBN 978-0-914918-26-4
  • 1981, Horoscope Symbols. Para Research, Whitford Press; Schiffer Publishing (Easton, PA., 1987. ISBN 978-0-914918-16-5
  • 1982, Essays on Astrology, Para Research, Inc. and Schiffer Publishing. ISBN 978-0-914918-42-4
  • 1994, (transl.) Johannes Schoener Three Books on the Judgment of Nativities, Book I, The Golden Hind Press
  • 1995, Night and Day: Planetary Sect in Astrology, Arhat Publications
  • 1997, (transl.) Masha'allah: On Reception, Arhat Publications
  • 2000, (ed.) Astrolabe World Ephemeris: 2001-2050 at Midnight, Whitford Press
  • 2000, Whole Sign Houses: The Oldest House System, Arhat Publications
  • 2002, (rev. ed., 1976), Planets in Transit: Life Cycles for Living, Whitford Press. ISBN 978-0-914918-24-0

See also

Robert Hand, 2008


Notes and Sources