Social Planet

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Jupiter and Saturn are sometimes described as the social planets. They are the most distant planets visible with the naked eye from earth. With a 12-year orbital period Jupiter spends roughly one year in a sign of the zodiac. Saturn spends about 2.5 years in a sign, with its approximately 29-year orbit; so that people born in the same year (or couple of years)often have these planets in the same sign.

Jupiter and Saturn have meanings relevant to the individual horoscope, but they further represent themes which transcend the individual. With Jupiter these are values and ideals such as morals and ethics which help to give coherence to society. Saturn is concerned with stabilising societal structures and boundaries.

In an individual's horoscope Jupiter indicates good luck, yet it also symbolises the aspiration for noble values, expanding horizons, abundance and generosity. Saturn shows where the person is likely to experience disappointment, yet it also shows the person's potential for self-discipline and practicality.

The term "social planets" differentiates Jupiter and Saturn from the personal planets sun, moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars; and the generational planets Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.