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The equinoxes & the solstices in celtic view[1]


The word “solstice” means “Sun standing” (“Sol” = Sun; “stit”= to make stand) and is the place where the Sun literally does pause and change direction at the apex months of December and June.


The summer solstice is the longest day in the northern hemisphere (and the shortest in the southern); the winter solstice being the longest day in the southern hemisphere and the shortest one in the northern.

Actually, on its elliptical orbit the earth is closest to the sun in the beginning of January (cf. perihelion, Black Sun). Yet, the main reason for the seasons is the earth's (permanent) axial tilt: around Christmas the North Pole looks away from the Sun - and the northern hemisphere gets less of the Sun's direct rays (i.e. less warmth); this is why it gets cold there in winter.

In the Tropical Zodiac used by most western astrologers, 0 degrees of Cancer marks the summer solstice, and 0 degrees of Capricorn marks the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere.

The point in time at which the Sun crosses the intersection between the ecliptic and the Celestial Equator, resulting in daylight and darkness of equal duration, is called the Equinox.

See also


Notes and References

  1. Artwork by Deborah Houlding