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Symbol for the square

An aspect of 90 degrees between two planets.

A square is considered to be a powerful aspect of tension.

The planets involved are usually in signs of the same Quality but of different Elements and located in different Quadrants.


Square aspects have an inherent potential for conflict between the planets involved, irrespective of whether their energies are of a similar quality or not, and they can have a tendency to hinder each other's development. This is the reason why astrologers in the past often referred to the square as an inhibiting or hard aspect. Square aspects will often manifest as pressure felt within the individual to "act out" according to the planets' natures.
For example, someone with Mars square Uranus may have an unpredictable, explosive temper; as Mars rules anger and Uranus signifies sudden disruptive events.

More constructively, squares will also show where the person might work energetically to manifest the planets' more positive natures, because the square is not an aspect of ease and relaxation.
A square involving a 10th house planet, for example, might push the person to work very hard at his career.

Modern astrology emphasises the special challenge of this aspect. The squares in a horoscope show where the native needs to work and what tests must be passed before maturing. This also means that squares serve as a constant reminder not to fall into lethargy or become too self-satisfied. In order to deal with squares in a positive way, it is necessary to be conscious of their inherent potential and to develop constructive expressions.


  • Tierney, Bil, 1983. Dynamics of Aspect Analysis: New Perceptions in Astrology, CRCS Publications
  • Tompkins, Sue, 2002, Aspects in Astrology: A Guide to Understanding Planetary Relationships in the Horoscope, Rider