Succedent House

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The Succedent Houses[1]

The second, fifth, eighth and eleventh houses are termed succedent houses.


“Succedent” derives from the Latin succedens meaning "subsequent" or "succeeding". The succedent houses follow or succeed the angular houses.


They correspond, respectively, to possessions and values, love and creation, shared possessions and resources, and friends and social concerns.
They use or utilise objects and persons (as a result of the preceeding angular house).

In this way, the second house, for example, which succeeds the first house of the body and personality, tends to signify the things that belong to the person. In a similar fashion, the eighth house, which follows the seventh house of the partner or spouse or “other person,” represents the belongings of the other person or partner.

The succedent modality of a house is similar to an element's Fixed Quality.

See also

Notes and References

  1. Illustration from Kim Akinta, Astrologer/Brisbane