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Be careful with Pluto in astrology: because of being a "wandering star" concerning to the definition of a planet, it rests a planet. Additional, even the centaurs should be classified as astrological planets, at least the bigger one's. In how far astrology will adept the astronomical reclassification is not to be decided here in the AstroWiki. As long as the majority of astrogers counts Pluto to be a planet, it will rest in this astrological category. So the difference between astronomical and astrological view should be pointed out. Astrologically, the influence of Pluto didn't get less since the astronomical reclassification. ;-) --Astro-rolf 10:14, 12 February 2009 (UTC)

I completely agree. I tried to rework the article in order to emphasize the differences of the two definitions. I also tried to keep consistent info together.
I hope the word "presence" is correct, in order to be a neutral compromise between causality (influence) and analogy (indication).
--Achillu 17:19, 12 February 2009 (UTC)
Good work :-). I changed "presence" to "perceptible attendance" and I hope it' o.k. to the meaning you intended.--Astro-rolf 06:45, 13 February 2009 (UTC)
I also hope so :) Thanks.
--Achillu 15:23, 13 February 2009 (UTC)