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Diagram showing the relationship between the zenith, the nadir, and different types of horizon

The point at which a perpendicular from any given location on the Earth's surface intersects the Celestial Sphere.

The zenith is located directly above the observer.

The astronomical Meridian also is determined by the zenith, and is defined as a circle on the celestial sphere that passes through the zenith, the nadir, and the celestial poles.

Although in poetical language it is possible to say "the Sun stood at its zenith", this is actually (physically) only possible in the equatoial (tropical) regions - not in our middle latitudes.[1]

The Nadir is the point opposite the zenith.

In astrology, the zenith often is mistakenly thought to be equivalent to the Medium Coeli.
The zenith = above your head[2]

See also


Notes and References

  1. "Middle latitudes" regarding Europe and North America; it's the other way round in Australia and South America
  2. This alchemistic illustration shows the bright day vs. the night's constellations underneath your feet