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The setting sign is where you are looking towards

The point on the zodiac setting on the western horizon at any given time. The term originates from the Latin 'descendere'. The common abbreviation is Desc or DC.

The descendant is opposite the ascendant and is one of the four chart angles.


The descendant marks the beginning or cusp of the Seventh House: the traditional house of marriage, long-term relationships (such as business partners,) and "open enemies".[1] In Horary Astrology the seventh house shows a person about whom a question is asked.

The seventh house relates to the sign of Libra.

In modern western astrology the seventh house is more generally the house of contact with others. It indicates our perception of others, notably in our intimate relationships. Although it is relevant for all kinds of longstanding relationships, intimate ones are usually central in our lives. The descendant also shows how others approach us. The sign on the descendant, together with that sign's planetary ruler, any planets that conjunct it, or planets within the seventh house, indicate how an individual will experience this area of life.

Just as the descendant necessarily complements the ascendant, so the 'You' complements the 'I' to create a whole. However, the result is not a symbolic fusion but experiences that are only possible with the involvement of others.

It is nevertheless symbolically remarkable that relationships and love are to be found at that point where the Sun descends (or falls) in opposition to the ascendant. The German astrologer Ernst Ott writes on this point: "Some of us find it difficult to let our egos take a back seat. In our relationships we try to dominate, assert ourselves or even view love itself as a kind of competitive game. On the other hand, there are those who use their partners to bolster their lack of self confidence... But without a healthy ego (ascendant) there can't be true equality within a relationship (descendant). Both the inflated ego and conforming to the wishes of others due to lack of self-confidence meet their fall."[2]

The sign on the descendant and its ruling planet suggest the type of partner or spouse to whom the individual is attracted. Because it is always opposite the ascendant, or "me" point on the chart, people oftentimes hope for a lover who will make up for desired qualities they lack. [3]

The descendant can also serve as an individual's window of projection. In that case the descendant stands for inherent traits which the person does not actively experience and manifest, and therefore seeks out or attracts in others. Perhaps the person is unaware of these traits, or perhaps the traits are unacceptable to him because they conflict with his moral ideals.

See also

Notes and References

  1. The 12th house concerns "secret enemies" who work behind our backs
  2. Ott, Ernst. Liebe - Lust am Untergang? Meridian 3/ 99, p. 46f. (German astrology magazine)
  3. Forrest, Jodie. 2007. The Ascendant, Seven Paws Press