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The rising sign already tells you a lot about the chart owner

Abbrevation: Asc

Synonym: rising sign

The point of the zodiac rising on the Eastern horizon at any given moment. The term comes from the Latin ascendere (to ascend). The usual abbreviation is Asc, in Europe also AC. The term used for the opposite point is the Descendant.


The Ascendant is the point of intersection between the Eastern horizon and the ecliptic. Due to the rotation of the Earth around its own axis this means that, viewed from any given location, roughly every two hours a different sign of the zodiac ascends on the Eastern horizon. This causes the Ascendant to traverse the whole of the zodiac during the course of a day. Two individuals born at the same time but at a great distance from each other would have different signs on the Ascendant.

Long and short ascension

Because the Earth's axis is tilted relative to the ecliptic, the twelve signs do not take the same amount of time to cross the eastern horizon. At the equator, there is very little difference (Pisces, Aries, Virgo and Libra take slightly less time than the other signs), but as one moves from the equator, larger and larger differences emerge.

In the northern hemisphere, the signs of Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus and Gemini take much less time than the theoretical two hours to cross the eastern horizon, whilst the signs of Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius take much longer than two hours to do so. For example, at the latitude of Paris, France:

  • Pisces and Aries take only one hour to cross the eastern horizon (this is referred to as the length of ascension, or simply as the sign's ascension)
  • Aquarius and Taurus have an ascension of one hour and fifteen minutes
  • Capricorn and Gemini have an ascension of one hour and fifty minutes
  • Cancer and Sagittarius have an ascension of two hours and thirty minutes
  • Leo and Scorpio have an ascension of two hours and forty minutes
  • Virgo and Libra have an ascension of two hours and forty-five minutes

At higher latitudes, these differences become even more marked. Astrologers consider the differences between the rate at which the signs ascend to be of importance. In many house systems, houses can become very large when they cover Aquarius, Pisces, Aries and Taurus because these signs are seen to be much smaller from the perspective of a northern hemisphere observer.

Some astrologers consider the preponderance of ascendants in signs from Cancer through Sagittarius (known as the western signs) to be symbolic of the relationship-oriented character inherent in the northern hemisphere and ascendants in the signs from Capricorn through Gemini (known as the eastern signs) to be symbolic of the more individual-oriented character in the southern hemisphere.[1]

In the southern hemisphere, long and short ascension are reversed. For instance, at the latitude of Concepción, Chile:

  • Pisces and Aries ascend in two hours and thirty minutes
  • Aquarius and Taurus ascend in two hours and twenty-five minutes
  • Capricorn and Gemini ascend in two hours and fifteen minutes
  • Sagittarius and Cancer ascend in two hours
  • Scorpio and Leo ascend in one hour and thirty-five minutes
  • Libra and Virgo ascend in one hour and fifteen minutes


Liz Greene[2]: The emergence of the Sun each morning seemed to ancient peoples a miraculous enactment of the rebirth of the Sun god, after his travails in the realms beneath the earth. The magical moment of sunrise is thus associated in myth with renewal and freedom from imprisoning darkness, and the earth's eastern horizon is the physical doorway to the future, where hope is born again.

The symbol of the rising Sun promises the opportunity to remake the past, correct old mistakes, find fresh enthusiasm and believe in our dreams once more. "Hope," wrote Alexander Pope, "springs eternal in the human breast." This unquenchable faith in a future which we ourselves can make better is one of our greatest human resources, allowing us to shake off the pain and disappointment of the past.

The Ascendant, in astrological symbolism, is that point on the earth's horizon which lies due east of the place of birth. This eastern point is the embodiment of the rising Sun. Because of the earth's daily rotation on its axis, the circle of the zodiac appears to revolve around us every twenty-four hours, and one of the twelve zodiacal signs will be rising on the eastern horizon according to the date and time of birth. This rising or Ascendant sign colors the doorway through which we, in the same way as the Sun, enter the world. It portrays our basic mode of self-expression each time we encounter any new situation, or whenever we need to assert our identity to the outer world.

Where the Sun in the horoscope reflects our fundamental urge to express ourselves, the Ascendant, the solar doorway on the earthly plane, describes how we make that urge known to others and to our immediate environment.


The Ascendant is a very personal factor in the horoscope. Its position in a particular sign and any planetary aspects to it give it a unique character.

It stands for the individual's start in life and the energies which influenced this particular moment in time. The Ascendant is considered to indicate the direction of the individual's path in life and the soul's intention. In addition it shows how an individual interacts with his surroundings, how he presents himself and how he is perceived by others. The Latin word Persona, meaning mask, is a fitting term - i.e. the face one shows the world.

The German astrologer Denzinger wrote the following about the difference between the Ascendant and the planets:

"It (the Ascendant) is often treated as an appendage to the Sun, as a kind of complementary factor to which we attribute those characteristics we associate with an individual that just doesn't seem to fit with the Sun sign... But one thing is certain: The Ascendant doesn't share many similarities with the Sun, Moon and the other planets. To start with, the cosmic symbolism is completely different. The Sun, Moon and the other planets are physical bodies in dynamic orbit around a common centre... they correspond to particular qualities to which we have access on our life's journey – the Ascendant gives us the spiritual-mental orientation we need when following our chosen path. The difference is similar to that between a vehicle (planet) and a road sign (Ascendant). Although totally different, the road sign can help a vehicle to reach its destination without losing track or making large detours."[3]

The Ascendant is the sign that marks the beginning of the first house which is associated with the zodiac sign of Aries.

Effects of the ascendant

There are a couple of factors that influence how strong or weak a force the ascendant may be in the chart.[4]

  • It is generally believed that the closer to the beginning of the sign the ascendant falls, the stronger it will be. This is because most of the first house will fall into that sign. If the ascendant falls late in a sign, most of the first house will fall into the following sign and thus weaken the effect of the ascendant's power.
  • The ascendant is thought to be stronger in influence when the sun is in a weak position in the chart. For example, it is traditionally believed that the sun is in a weaker position when it is placed at the bottom of the chart, near the Imum Coeli or IC. This is because the sun was literally on the other side of the earth when the subject was born, hidden from view.
  • According to some, the sun may also be weaker in influence if it is unaspected; in other words, if it forms no major aspects (conjunction, opposition, trine, square or sextile) to the other planets. According to other astrological observations, unaspected suns and planets show greater than usual effect and are more free.
  • The sun in a sign that is intercepted, meaning it does not have a house cusp, may also be weaker and put more emphasis on the ascendant and house cusp of the sun's house in such a chart.

Another factor concerning the effect of the ascendant is the theory that people become more like their sun sign after around 29 years old, as they grow older and more confident, as the sun embodies essential ego energy and self-esteem, and thus perhaps have less of a need to present a public face to others. It is also theorised that when the progressed ascendant moves into the following sign, it weakens the influence of the natal ascendant.

Planets and the ascendant

Planets have added importance in the birth chart due to their relationship to the ascendant.[5] The planet that rules the astrological sign of the ascendant is called the Chart Ruler and is said to be of particular importance. So for example, if the ascendant sign is Gemini, Mercury will be the chart ruler, and so "set the tone" for the chart in many ways. In addition, the planet nearest the ascendant, especially located in the first house, is usually called the rising planet and has a particular significance in the chart. However, if a planet in the twelfth house is very close to (within one or two degrees of) the ascendant, then it can be interpreted as the rising planet instead. If a planet is actually in conjunction with the ascendant (within the same degree as the ascendant), it then becomes vitally important in its effect on the personality, to the extent of being as important as the sun. Finally, any planets in the first house will always have an added emphasis.

Modes of the ascendant

The effect of the ascendant varies according to the modes of the sign in which it is placed.[6] These relate to the quality of the part of the season they occur in.

Ascendant cardinal signs

Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are cardinal signs. The effect of these signs on the ascendant is to emphasize initiative, assertiveness and to some extent leadership.

Ascendant fixed signs

Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius are fixed signs. The effect of these signs on the ascendant is to emphasize stability, steadiness and commitment.

Ascendant mutable signs

Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces are mutable signs. The effect of these signs on the ascendant is to emphasize adaptability, dexterity, change and flexibility.

Elements of the ascendant (Triplicities)

Ascendant fire signs

The fire signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are noted for their energy, enthusiasm and optimism. When a fire sign is on the ascendant the outer manner is friendly, uncritical and non-hostile. They typically send out friendly but serious and competent signals which draw out a friendly and rather respectful response from others. Aries rising gives out a well-organized, slightly stern bearing. Leo rising subjects have a dignified and rather formal manner which inspires confidence, while Sagittarius risers have a cheerful, pleasant and rather witty outer manner which suits all kinds of situations.

Ascendant earth signs

Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn ascendants are usually considered calm and stress-resistant individuals. The effect of the earth sign ascendant make people more material, reserved and collected, they don't tend to show their emotions and can be or appear to be cold. This particular effect is manifested to the least extent in Taurus sign. Each of the earth signs ascendants are usually thrifty and good with planning things beforehand.

Ascendant air signs

The air signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are noted for their communication skills. When an air sign is on the ascendant the subject is friendly and sociable, but also independent and somewhat detached. The Gemini riser is constantly busy, fully engaged in a kind of juggling act, with at least a dozen activities on the go at any one time. The Libra riser occupies themself with business schemes which often need the aid of a more earthy partner to make them come to fruition. The Aquarius riser makes wonderful plans for themselves or others and may even carry some of them out.

Ascendant water signs

The water signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are noted for their emotion, intuition and feeling. When a water sign is on the ascendant the subject will hide their true feelings and have a strong need to protect themselves from the world around them. What you see is often not what you get with water ascendants. In other words, the signals they send out are consciously or unconsciously chosen for effect. Cancerians appear chatty and helpful and they do well in any situation that requires tact. Scorpio risers can use many different forms of camouflage with people they do not know, one of their favourites being offensiveness and an off-putting manner. Pisces risers appear soft, gentle, self-sacrificing and sometimes even helpless, but this is misleading, as they will fight strongly for what they think is right. Pisces are also known to be highly emotional and the most intuitive of the twelve signs.

Forrest's book

See also


The Ascendant and the Descendant correlate to the Jungian idea of Persona (the "mask") and the Shadow


  • Jodie Forrest: The Ascendant: Your Rising Sign, Seven Paws Press 2013, 214 pages, ISBN-10 0979067707, ISBN-13 978-0979067709
1. What is the ascendant? 2. The ascendant & C.G. Jung's concept of the persona 3. Acting & the ascendant 4. The ascendant & "style" 5. The ascendant with the Sun & Moon 6. The ruler of the ascendant 7. Transits, progressions, arcs & the ascendant 8. "Adjusting" your ascendant 9. The ascendant and "national character" 10. The ascendant, speculations on physical appearance & rectification tips 11. The ascendant & evolutionary astrology 12. The ascendant "cookbook": Aries through Pisces, planets in the first, nodes in the first
  • Sasha Fenton: Rising Signs, The Aquarian Press, London, 1989

Notes and References

  1. Richard Nolle, "Chiron: New Planet in the Horoscope", pages 78 to 82
  2. Text by Liz Greene, from Mythic Astrology
  3. Wolfgang J. Denzinger: Die Entfaltung des Aszendenten, Freiburg 1996, pp. 25f.
  4. Sasha Fenton, pp 17-18
  5. Sasha Fenton, p 15, pp 202-3
  6. Sasha Fenton, pp 31-34