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Traditional system of the faces[1]

In traditional and horary astrology each sign of the zodiac is divided into three 10-degree sections, called faces, decanates, or decans. Each face has a particular ruling planet, so a planet has somewhat more "essential dignity" if it is located in its own face.

Traditional Table of Faces (Chaldean)

The Faces of the Planets according to Lilly[2] (Chaldean order):
Sign First Decan ruler

(0 - 9.999 deg.)

Second Decan ruler

(10 - 19.999 deg.)

Third Decan ruler

(20 - 29.999 deg.)

Aries Ari.gif Mars Mar.gif Sun Sun.gif Venus Ven.gif
Taurus Tau.gif Mercury Mer.gif Moon Lun.gif Saturn Sat.gif
Gemini Gem.gif Jupiter Jup.gif Mars Mar.gif Sun Sun.gif
Cancer Can.gif Venus Ven.gif Mercury Mer.gif Moon Lun.gif
Leo Leo.gif Saturn Sat.gif Jupiter Jup.gif Mars Mar.gif
Virgo Vir.gif Sun Mar.gif Venus Ven.gif Mercury Mer.gif
Libra Lib.gif Moon Lun.gif Saturn Sat.gif Jupiter Jup.gif
Scorpio Sco.gif Mars Mar.gif Sun Sun.gif Venus Ven.gif
Sagittarius Sag.gif Mercury Mer.gif Moon Lun.gif Saturn Sat.gif
Capricorn Cap.gif Jupiter Jup.gif Mars Mar.gif Sun Sun.gif
Aquarius Aqu.gif Venus Ven.gif Mercury Mer.gif Moon Lun.gif
Pisces Pis.gif Saturn Sat.gif Jupiter Jup.gif Mars Mar.gif

Notice that rulerships follow a repeating pattern, the so-called "Chaldean" order of the planets: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon. This planetary order, in which the Sun stands at the center of the continuum, with the planets between the Sun and the Earth on one side and the outer planets on the other side, reflected the perception of the speed of each planet's Diurnal Movement as seen from the Earth.

Modern Table of Faces (Triplicities)

The decans and their rulers assigned as based on the concepts of Modern Western astrology (triplicity):
Sign 1st decan ruler 2nd decan ruler 3rd decan ruler
Aries Ari.gif Mars Mar.gif Sun Sun.gif Jupiter Jup.gif
Taurus Tau.gif Venus Ven.gif Mercury Mer.gif Saturn Sat.gif
Gemini Gem.gif Mercury Mer.gif Venus Ven.gif Uranus Ura.gif
Cancer Can.gif Moon Lun.gif Pluto Plu.gif Neptune Nep.gif
Leo Leo.gif Sun Sun.gif Jupiter Jup.gif Mars Mar.gif
Virgo Vir.gif Mercury Mer.gif Saturn Sat.gif Venus Ven.gif
Libra Lib.gif Venus Ven.gif Uranus Ura.gif Mercury Mer.gif
Scorpio Sco.gif Pluto Plu.gif Neptune Nep.gif Moon Lun.gif
Sagittarius Sag.gif Jupiter Jup.gif Mars Mar.gif Sun Sun.gif
Capricorn Cap.gif Saturn Sat.gif Venus Ven.gif Mercury Mer.gif
Aquarius Aqu.gif Uranus Ura.gif Mercury Mer.gif Venus Ven.gif
Pisces Pis.gif Neptune Nep.gif Moon Lun.gif Pluto Plu.gif

See also


Notes and References

  1. Illustration by AstralTwelve
  2. William Lilly, Christian Astrology (London, 1647), pp. 104ff.