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Symbol: A42_262.gif

Element: Air

Quality: Mutable

Polarity: Yang/masculine

Ruling Planet: Mercury

Tarot Key: The Lovers

Sun in Gemini: from around the 21. May until the 21. June

Time of Year: The buzzing and humming of insects, the growth and blossoming of plants

Cultural: Pentecost (Whitsuntide), communication, contact, exchange

Physical body: Trachea and lungs, shoulders, arms and hands

Star constellation: Gemini

Mythology of the constellation

Liz Greene[2]: Twins appear in the myths of every ancient culture. Even our modern understanding of the divided ovum does not lessen the feeling of mystery surrounding two human beings who look so alike.

In Greek myth, the twins Castor and Pollux appear identical, but the latter was the divine son of Zeus, while the former was the mortal son of King Tindareus of Sparta. When Castor was killed Pollux wept bitterly over his body, for being immortal he could not follow his brother's shade to the kingdom of the dead. Zeus, taking pity on them, allowed them to alternate so that each could experience the spiritual heights and the mortal depths; yet they could never be together in either realm. Castor and Pollux were thus divided by the gulf between the realm of earth and the realm of heaven. Zeus also immortalised the two brothers as a star constellation.

Other mythic twins, such as Romulus and Remus, were divided by the gulf between good and evil. In Roman myth, these twins, sons of the war god Mars, were suckled as infants by a wolf. When they grew up Remus plotted his brother's murder, but Romulus killed him in self-defence and was honored as the founder of the city of Rome.

From Greek myth also come the twins Zethus and Amphion, divided by their sharply contrasting natures and abilities. Although both were benign, Zethus was a strong and energetie warrior while Amphion was an artist and an intellectual, skilled in mathematies and the use of the lyre.

The sign of Gemini in the view of Johfra Bosschart


Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac. It stands for the assimilation and communication of the numerous impressions life has to offer. Here perception is filtered through the intellect.

The emphasis is on the acquirement of knowledge. Those born under the sign of Gemini are interested in current events and love to be up to date on the latest developments. They are interested in a wide variety of things. They are sociable and can adapt to a wide variety of different people.

Language is very important to them and they love to read and educate themselves, and equally love to share their own ideas with others, whether through speech or by writing.

Gemini individuals also love to be on the move in order to find stimulation in the world around them.

They are sometimes in danger of scattering their energy too widely. Because they have such wide-ranging interests, Geminis sometimes tend to gain only a superficial knowledge of something before moving on to something else. This can also be a strategy to avoid confronting the darker sides and depths of their own personalities. This is the second face of this sign as indicated in the myth of Castor and Polydeuces: something which is part of an individual's personality ends up being rejected because it seems to be totally at odds with their self-image.

Gemini born individuals are keenly aware of all kinds of opposites existing in the world, whether among people or in nature or in all kinds of things and they have a talent for reconciling them: They are wonderful mediators and are able to consider a situation from the most diverse points of view. These talents mean that they are sometimes susceptible to not taking the truth too seriously.

Planets or axes in the sign of Gemini will exhibit some of the typical qualities of this sign such as flexibility, agility and adaptability.

The three air signs Gemini, Libra and Aquarius all have a certain light-touch when socialising with other people. In the case of Gemini, socialising is a way of coming into contact with as many different aspects of life as possible, whereas Libra seeks out others to balance itself and Aquarius seeks to make friends who are on a similar wavelength. Both Gemini and its opposite sign of Sagittarius are fascinated by knowledge. But where Gemini seeks to gain a more rounded understanding of life by accumulating as many facts as possible, the aim of Sagittarius is to create a more holistic vision of life. From the two signs that stand in square to it Gemini can learn the value of attention to detail (Virgo) and emotional empathy (Pisces).

Jupiter is in detriment in Gemini.


Notes and References

  1. From Liber Astronomicus by Guido Bonatus, 1491
  2. Text by Liz Greene, from Mythic Astrology