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Symbol: A44_205.gif

Element: Water

Quality: Fixed

Polarity: Yin/Feminine

Ruling Planet: Pluto, historically Mars

Tarot Key: The Death

Sun in Scorpio: from about 23rd October to the 21st November

Cultural: Death cults, All Saints' Day (Allhallows), halloween, shrovetide

Physical: Pelvis, sexual organs, large intestine and rectum

Star constellation: Scorpio

Mythology of the Constellation

Liz Greene[2]: The Scorpion of Greek myth is a menacing creature, sent by the lunar goddess Artemis to kill the hunter Orion as a punishment for his pride. It also caused the disastrous bolting of the steeds of Apollo, as they galloped wildly across the heavens when his inexperienced son Phaethon tried to commandeer the solar chariot: the earth was scorched and Phaëthon was hurled to his death.

In early Mesopotamia, the Scorpion was known as the Stinger, the symbol of darkness which heralded the decline of the Sun's power in the autumn. It is thus connected with the chthonic powers of nature, which will rise up in anger if abused by the arrogant will of human beings. Both Orion and Phaëthon were guilty of what the Greeks called hubris - the pride which afflicts heroic souls, and makes them push beyond their appropriate limits to challenge the will and power of the gods.

Although portrayed in myth as a dangerous creature, the Scorpion is not evil. The symbolism of the second water sign reflects the vengeance of outraged nature, and the stern justice which awaits those who lack humility in the face of the instinctual forces of life. As harbinger of the Sun's decline, Scorpio embodies the law of nature which decrees that even the strongest will must ultimately bow to the body's mortality.

The image of the Scorpion was also adopted by the Roman Praetorian Guard as their emblem, in part because one of its planetary rulers is the war god Mars (the other being the underworld god Pluto), and in part because the cunning, speed and lethal sting of the scorpion reflected the image these crack troops of the Empire wished their enemies to bear in mind.

The myths connected with Scorpio are closely related to the primitive hunter Orion who was both libidinous and a keen hunter. After he raped his mother in law he was blinded by her husband King Oinopion but regained his sight with the help of the divine blacksmith Hephaistos. He then immediately went about avenging himself by attacking all of nature. Artemis, the Moon goddess of the wilderness, the hunt and wild animals, was so worried that Orion would destroy the animal kingdom that she created a giant scorpion which killed Orion with one sting. In another version, it is said that Artemis created the scorpion in self defence because Orion tried to rape her. Whatever the case, the primitive hunter was killed by a creature that is itself considered to be one of the oldest and most primitive creatures.

Because of their animosity towards each other, the constellations of Orion and Scorpio never appear in the night sky at the same time.


Scorpio is the eighth sign of the zodiac. It is also considered to be one of the most enigmatic signs due to the wide variety of ways in which it can find expression.

Whether a Scorpio person feels driven by instincts or takes on the form of a phoenix and rises to the highest heights, he/she is always able to go through a process of regeneration and start something completely new. This individual lives passionately and intensely but it requires a high level of maturity in order not to destroy those things he/she covets or loves the most.

Individuals with an emphasis of this sign tend towards extremes of behaviour. Their motto is often 'everything or nothing'! Others are rarely aware of their intensity of feelings because no matter how much they might be simmering inside they can put on a calm facade. Their intensity often drives them to devote themselves totally to any social causes they feel passionate about, and they tend to make a dramatic impression while doing so.

They are interested in anything which seems profound or mysterious, for taboo themes and the depths of being. Their interest is awakened where others turn away in horror or disgust.

The subject of power in all its subtle and covert forms is of great significance. They may believe that by manipulating others they have have power over them, but this only leads them into the very state of dependency they so dread.

The sign of Scorpio in the view of Johfra Bosschart

Finally, Scorpio individuals possess great powers of healing with which they can help not only themselves but also others.

Planets and axes in the sign of Scorpio have a profound and intense quality.

Scorpio and Taurus are both passionate signs, but whereas Taurus is passionate about experiencing the sensual aspects of life, Scorpio is passionately interested in getting to the bottom of existence. The water signs of Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio are all very intuitive and empathic. Cancerians are very empathic towards their loved ones. Scorpio can sense where others are vulnerable and use this ability to either hurt or heal. Pisces feels at one with all of humanity and ultimately nature itself. Scorpio can learn valuable lessons from the two signs that stand archetypally in square to it: From Leo, Scorpio can learn to express its innate energies, and from Aquarius it can learn to use these in a constructive manner for the good of society.

Uranus is exalted in Scorpio, Venus in detriment and the Moon in fall.

See also


Notes and References

  1. From Deborah Houlding's Skyscript newsletter#2, 2022
  2. Text by Liz Greene, from Mythic Astrology
  3. First published in: The Astrological Journal, Jan/Feb 2010