Grand Trine

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Grand Trine

An Aspect Figure in which three planets are situated at angles of 120 degrees - in other words a trine - to each other and form an equilateral triangle. The triangle usually connects three Signs in the same Element. In a Grand Trine aspect pattern, all three planets are in the same triplicity, resulting in an emphasis on that element. Esoteric Astrology calls this the triangle of grace.

A Kite Figure is formed when a fourth planet is in Sextile to two of the planets and in opposition to the third.


Trines are supportive aspects that are often experienced as subjectively positive by the native. Key to understanding the Grand Trine is looking at the three houses in the chart that house the Grand Trine planets, as well as the rulers of those houses. Natives with Grand Trines often feel quite comfortable with those areas of their life emphasized by the aspect pattern, and may even take those areas for granted or fail to do the work necessary to bear fruit in these areas. It can be difficult for natives with this aspect pattern to rise to the challenges and growth opportunities presented in other areas of the chart, rather than rest easy in the Grand Trine’s more comfortable territory.

The Grand Trine increases the power of the individual trines. The element involved receives powerful support that is given without effort and is instead experienced as a cosmic gift. The term 'triangle of grace' clearly illustrates this point. The talents inherent in a Grand Trine can be given unique expression, the quality of which will depend on the element involved.

  • Natives with a Grand Fire Trine are often confident, spontaneous, and have significant vitality and energy.
  • Grand Earth Trine natives are secure and stable, with significant common sense and power to stay the course.
  • Natives with a Grand Air Trine are curious, intelligent, and socially engaged.
  • Grand Water Trine individuals have tremendous imagination, intuition, and creative power.
Grand Trine

Problems of Grand Trines

As with any astrological placement, however, the expression of these aspect patterns in a given individual varies tremendously from person to person, and must be viewed holistically, taking into account the other unique elements of that native’s chart.

The often overlooked lack of tension and associated psychological strain can sometimes lead to a certain degree of lethargy. The individual concerned may not see any reason to enter into painful processes of growth, which is offering increased self-awareness, though. If this happens the Grand Trine does not move towards redemption but away from it. A conscious effort is necessary to take advantage of the inherent potential, otherwise a pleasant feeling may be all that remains of the potential that existed. In order personally to grow (to rise your consciousness) you should confront hard and difficult, problematic situations and issues symbolized by Squares, Grand Crosses, etc. According to the Latin saying Per aspera ad astra[1] Similar sayings go:

No pain, no gain or
The gods put sweat before success


Notes and References

  1. Per aspera ad astra literally says Through the rough/adversities to the stars
  2. Chris Brennan's Astrology Dictionary being the main source of this article